Custom Tables

Manage detailed business data together with Customer data with Act! Custom Tables

Custom Tables help organisations track and manage:

  • Assets, licences and warranties
  • Event Management
  • Financial Services
  • Recruitment
  • Membership
  • Project management
  • Service management
  • Support management
  • Training
  • Any specialised use

Unlock the Full Potential of Act!

Most organisations manage their business with a unique mix of data, which is often stored in multiple systems, including spreadsheets.

Act! Custom Tables add spreadsheet-like tables and functionality to help maintain detailed business data with customer data directly in Act!.

Key features & benefits:

Take Business to the Next Level

Managing business data in multiple systems impacts your efficiency, the accuracy of your data, and your ability to respond quickly to new opportunities. 

With Custom Tables in Act!, data can be analysed holistically to develop targeted sales & marketing strategies, or at the individual customer level to provide personalised experiences.

Key features & benefits:

  • View and analyse data such as software licenses, support plans, service contracts, and more in a single system to gain comprehensive insights
  • Filter and segment data involving projects, consulting engagements, products, and more in aggregate to drive targeted sales and marketing outreach
  • Reference detailed business data for individual contacts to deliver personalised customer experiences

Customise to Unique Business Needs

Customising software to the unique needs of a business can be costly, timely, and labor-intensive. 

Act! Custom Tables can be easily created and modified without the need for additional development resources. Custom Tables also include prebuilt industry templates to help you get started immediately.

Key features & benefits:

  • Easily create and customise tables without the need for additional development resources
  • Leverage pre-built industry and job-specific templates to get started immediately
  • Includes templates for insurance, loans, mortgages, residential realty, software, consulting, event planning, project management, services, and support

Smarter Business design Custom Tables for customers